Under the auspices of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Southern Diocese of the United States
30th Annual Kids Camp 2022 will be at Lake Swan Camp.
647 State Road 26, Melrose, FL 32666
You may visit their site at www.lakeswancamp.org
Dates: December 27-30
Who: Children in grades 1-5

About Kids Camp
Kids Camp is a 4 day 3 night sleep away camp for elementary school children.
While at camp, children have the opportunity to meet new friends from Churches across the state while growing closer to and learning more about our Heavenly Father; all while having tons of fun together!
Some Kids Camp highlights include a Bible Contest, Campfire, talent shows, spiritual songs, and unique surprise activities every camp! Children are paired with servants for their entire time at camp, the bond between a servant and their Kids Camp Kids goes far beyond the 4 days at camp and many children and servants share a lasting relationship to continue to grow in God's Graces.
We ask that you keep the children, servants and the camp in your continued prayers.
In honor of the 25th Anniversary of Winter Kids Camp, the committee chose to update and retire the iconic FL Kids Camp logo.
We pray that our new logo serves as a visual reminder to our kids, servants, and ourselves that as we grow like the tree, we remain rooted in Christ (Col 2:7), based on His Gospel (2 Tim 3:15), and keep our foundations in His Church (1 Tim 3:15) and stand tall and strong in the Faith. The children running towards the Church reminds us of Christ’s open arms to His Children at all times (Matt 19:4).
The original Kids Camp logo has been placed on a leaf of the tree to honor its legacy as the iconic image of Kids Camp for an entire generation.
This logo also serves as a reminder to us all the mission of FL Kids Camp as written in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."
May this vision and all future camps be to the glory of our Lord.